In order to promote traditional Chinese virtues, help the development of charity, and contribute love to charity, on the morning of September 14, Adtech launched the “99 Charity Day” donation activity. Company leaders and all employees actively participated in the donation activity.

In the morning, a total of more than 150 people participated in the charity offering activities. All donations were made by the company to the local charity association account. The donations will be mainly used for “six aids” for medical assistance, assistance to the poor, assistance to the poor, assistance to the elderly, assistance to schools, assistance to the disabled, etc. Charity relief activities. Let the poor no longer feel helpless, help poor households improve their quality of life, fulfill their corporate social responsibilities with great love and charity, strengthen the strength of poverty alleviation, resolutely win the fight against poverty, build a well-off society in an all-round way, and contribute to the development of local public welfare undertakings.


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