Ceramic Foam Filters Manufacturers comes from China-www.adtechamm.com. Put the square foam into the thixotropic alumina slurry, so that the slurry is evenly deposited on the foam skeleton of the carrier. After drying and solidification, the foam is formed by baking. Become Ceramic Foam Filters.

The aluminum industry cast ceramic foam filter can effectively remove various fineness of micron inclusions in the aluminum water, making the aluminum water a smooth laminar flow.
It has a unique corundum structure, good mechanical strength and chemical stability, and excellent aluminum cleaning.
The ceramic filter plate is surrounded by a sealed ceramic fiber gasket, which helps the filter plate to be sealed in the filter box to ensure that there is no metal loss.
This product is mainly used in the purification process of aluminum and aluminum alloy production.

The density of aluminum is small, and the density of aluminum is about 1/3 of that of iron or copper.
Can be strengthened, although the strength of pure aluminum is not high, it is easy to process.
Aluminum can be cast by any casting method.
Corrosion resistance, the surface of aluminum and its aluminum alloy can easily form a thin and dense oxide film at room temperature and firmly bond with the base metal.

Ceramic Foam Filters Manufacturers reminded employees of aluminum factories that when selecting filter plates, they should also check their colors, photograph their main body, and burn their contents.
1. The color is pure and free of impurities, indicating that the material is uniform.
The hands are not sticky, indicating that no adhesive is sprayed on the surface, which will not cause secondary pollution.
2. Hold the Ceramic Foam Filter with one hand and applause with the other hand, tap the filter plate easily, and drip the ceramsite residue continuously, indicating that the filter plate is of poor quality, which will cause secondary pollution of aluminum.

Ceramic Foam Filters Manufacturers
Physical properties
1. Aluminum is a silver-white light metal with ductility.
2. The solubility of aluminum is soluble in dilute sulfuric acid, dilute nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide solution, but insoluble in water.
3. The melting point of aluminum is 660°C and the boiling point is 2327°C. It has good electrical and thermal conductivity, high reflectivity and oxidation resistance.

Chemical nature
1. Corrosion resistance
In dry air, the surface of aluminum will immediately form a dense oxide film, while in humid air, aluminum will form an oxide film to prevent metal corrosion, so that aluminum will not be further oxidized and can be water resistant;
2. Flammability
But aluminum powder mixed with air is very easy to burn;
3. Have both sexes
Aluminum is amphoteric, it is very easy to dissolve in strong alkali and also soluble in dilute acid;
4. Will react with acid
If it reacts with hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid: 2Al +6HCl ==== 2AlCl₃+ 3H₂↑, 2Al + 3H₂SO₄ (thin) ==== Al₂(SO₄)₃+ 3H₂↑
5. Will react with alkali
If it reacts with sodium hydroxide: 2Al+2NaOH+6H2O=2NaAl(OH)4+3H2↑
6. Will react with non-metals
Such as reaction with chlorine and sulfur: 2Al+3Cl₂====2AlCl₃ (reaction condition is ignition), 2Al+3S====Al₂S₃ (reaction condition is heating)
7. Thermite reaction will occur
The equation of the thermite reaction is: 2Al + Fe₂O₃ (ignition)== Al₂O₃+2Fe (thermite reaction), 8Al + 3Fe₃O4==high temperature== 4Al₂O₃+9Fe
8. Will react with water
Aluminum can react significantly with water vapor under heating. At the beginning of the reaction, it will react with oxygen in the water to form a dense oxide film to prevent the reaction from proceeding, but after a period of time it will gradually react slowly to form aluminum hydroxide

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